Monday 1 July 2013

First night things I miss

Things I miss on first night of DF1 being away: taking dog out to go to the toilet in the rain before bed (i'm usually passed out before this).  Making sure Kids brush their teeth (his job when he is at home).  Carrying the kids to the toilet just before "he" goes to bed to make sure they don't go to the "toilet" when they are asleep.  Locking up the house, turning off all the lights, making sure everything is safe and secure and making sure we are safe and secure.  I know I could do this but it's nice when he does this, thank you DF1.

Go to the toilet, hop in to bed and I'll be there in a minute!!!!!

9:03 pm, kids are NOT in bed yet, daddy is NOT home, MUST GET OFF COMPUTER and put kids to bed (day 1, not a good sign), good night!

First day on the job

Hi there, let me introduce myself, I'm a D.I.D.O.D.F (Ok, I added two new letters) and it's my first day on the job.

So, what is a D.I.D.O.D.F., well, we all know what F.I.F.O's (fly in fly out) and D.I.D.O's (drive in drive out) are but I'm creating a new category (for I'm sure there are several of you out there who can identify), I'm a De Facto, yes I'm in a Drive In Drive Out De Facto and we are about to embark on a journey that I'm sure will be tumultuous and entertaining. 

I really want to embrace this new lifestyle as well as share with others the daily events that take place in our household, dysfunctional as it is.  Hence, the blog, sharing with complete strangers (seeing that my significant other has up and left) and hoping that it helps me cope with unforeseen struggles and emotions that await when I awake tomorrow morning.

Seriously, what would be your biggest concern before your partner went off for 19 days?  Make sure the house is in order, un-check!  Make sure all of his clothes are washed and ready to go, un-check (he left with wet clothes in his suitcase)!  Make sure all important jobs around the house are completed un-check!  Do you want to know what mine was?  Making sure we had "relations" before he left, check!!!

Not much to account for today as the kids are on school holidays and they really haven't noticed daddy's absence except for C2 (child number 2, said girl, 5 years old) who awoke to ask "have I woken up at the right time this morning mummy"?  My answer was "of course". Her reply was, "has daddy left yet mummy"?  My answer was "yes" and her response was (in a very pissed off way) was "I DID NOT WAKE UP AT THE RIGHT TIME MUMMY, HOW COULD YOU LET ME SLEEP IN"?  DADDY IS GONE AND I DIDN'T GET TO SAY GOODBYE, BAD MUMMY!!!!!

Dinner tonight was a bit interesting (I felt like I was on holidays, sure it's not going to last).  C1 (First boy child age 7) had instant noodles and a banana and C2 had 2 apples, 2 "runny" eggs and a sweet potato roll.  Me, I had a glass of wine a chocolate bar and some cheese and crackers, don't think I can keep this new diet up for long but it was kinda fun, not accountable to anyone for what I eat (not sure that will always be a good thing).

Spoke to DF1 (defacto number 1 and only one I might add) and he is safe in the camp, about 100 men and not a lot of rules (sounds dangerous).  It's about a 5 1/2 drive from our place to site (which I worry the most about) and he seems to be settled in.  However, and a big HOWEVER, the promised "skyping" and "calling" may not come to fruition because they have no coverage out there - ARGHHHHH!  Possible bonus for him (hee-hee) not for us!

His biggest dilemma after speaking to him (on a borrowed phone from someone who HAS coverage) was "they have ice cream here, how am I supposed to refrain from that"?  Oh dear  G-d, please tell me he didn't just say that!

Now I'm going to NOT clean the kitchen, because I don't have to tonight (I probably should, not a good habit to get into) and put the kids to bed, earlier than normal because I'm selfish like that, not really but tonight I am.

Thanks for joining me on my journey, I promise I will document it daily because it is something I think will be very therapeutic for me even if no one reads it.

Night Night