Friday 5 July 2013

Day 6

Yeah, it's the weekend!  Wait a minute, what difference does that make when you are a D.I.D.O, none, especially during school holidays.  I'm currently at a friends, looking after their three kids and my two for a break (no, I'm not lying), my kids (and me) are excited to be in a different environment (having a sleep over as well) and all the kids play well and are currently watching a movie (quietly) and having some sushi and chips, interesting combo!

So, have learned that I have to keep up on everything or else this is the result, this is my bed and it's covered in folded  laundry and no, I'm not terribly worried about the folding, come to think of it, I don't iron either.  Thank goodness I or DF1 doesn't have to sleep in it tonight!

This first week has been a harsh reality at how unorganized I am and where the leaks are in my "ship" of a home.  I will prevail and overcome this and come out the other side a stronger more organized and focused person (I'm silently excited about this).

So, there is always a silver lining in everything and I'm finding many in this new adventure, first step conquering the laundry, next the kitchen, then the kids room/toys and wait for it THE GARAGE, ok maybe shouldn't be thinking Mt. Everest when I'm only able to walk down the street at the moment but they always say,  a journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step (or something like that).

Not my house but at the moment it certainly feels like it, here's to posting a much nicer image in the months to come.


Some days we just need a little reminder

I totally get kids saying "are we there yet, are we there yet"?  Because I'm thinking the same way, "is it Monday yet, is it Monday yet"?  Don't get me wrong I adore my children but I really need for school holidays to finish because I have almost forgotten that my first name isn't Mom!

Amazingly enough though, kids have been quite good today, I just heard GC2 asking BC1 for help and he said "anytime" but then corrected himself and changed it to "anytime that I decide I want to help you, ok", I so wish I could use that line and it was acceptable.

My main checklist today was:
* Morning - feed children
* Mid Morning - check they are still breathing
* Lunch - feed children
* Mid Afternoon - convince them that's it's totally cool to have an afternoon sleep
*Evening - feed children, put them to bed and pray they sleep in

Did notice one small thing today, we had a visit from a dear friend today and both children proceeded to rough house and play and climb all over him and it just reminded me of how much their daddy does let them do this when he is at home.  They both also told me that they miss daddy because he plays with them and that I was always to busy to play because I had to cook and clean all the time, argh!!