Tuesday 9 July 2013

Day 10

And on the 9th day, she rested!  Yes, I missed a day (day 9), Monday DF1 got back and it was all systems go for this week.  First day back at school (Monday) did all the grocery shopping and cleaning without kids and decided that yesterday (Tuesday) was a well deserved day of rest in every aspect of my life.

You know, DF1 was only gone for 7 days so I can't really base what life is going to be like as a D.I.D.O but the kids and I seemed to take it all in our stride and upon "Daddy's" return we all slipped back into normalcy within hours (which from what I've read will NOT always be the case).  Hey, DF1 and I were even arguing within the first day, who would have thought?  Seriously though, it was just your normal I said, He said, neither of us did it sort of argument, we all have them.

Another positive of being a D.I.D.O family is we take our weekends WAY more seriously now when Daddy is in town!  DF1 is going away again on Monday for 12 days so we are thinking of booking a place away for the weekend to spend some time together away from home so there are no distractions and it's just about us being together (and I don't have to clean up - yup, that's what I'm talking about).

I'm hearing all sorts of interesting stories about life "on site" and I will be sure to share them with you as we go along but for the moment, it's only been a week and the most interesting tidbit of information I learned about was curfew!  Yes, you heard me correctly, grown men having a curfew (secretly, love it)!  Apparently Sun-Thurs gates close at 9:00 pm and Fri - Sat at 10:00 pm so if you leave site and are not back by that time you are kinda in a predicament (or on the first bus home).

There is a wet area on site but there also is a no alcohol tolerance, not at night but upon sign-in in the morning.  All those guys out there making a heap of extra money with not a lot to do and missing their families could often enjoy the daily drink which, unfortunately could lead to a more severe problem.  Look, they can still have a drink after work but you better be sure to blow 0.00 in the morning or I believe it's a warning the first time and then you are out!

Life on site is definitely an eye opener and I know for sure I couldn't do it so I consider myself to be the lucky one in this situation (some might disagree).  I know DF1 certainly misses the kids and the comforts of home, life in a Donga is not ideal!

On that little tidbit,


For those of you who don't know, this is what a typical "Donga" looks like, pretty sure that won't be on the next Holiday Travel Brochure!