Sunday 7 July 2013


How I'm feeling tonight after a crazy, busy weekend.

Does anyone else have to resort to yelling at their kids to go to sleep, keep quiet, stop asking for things, etc., etc?

I feel overwhelming guilt that the last thing they hear after I have spent 10 minutes reading Rumpelstiltskin to them is my voice (now croaky) at a very high pitch dreadful sound saying to them "go to sleep or else".  Why do I even have to negotiate, and why do they not get it after SEVERAL YEARS, you HAVE TO GO TO BED!!!

This is where I am missing DF1 because if he yells at them to "go to sleep", they don't say another word, what's with that and how do I obtain it?

I sit here now feeling awful, the dreaded "Mother Guilt" has started to overtake me and now I feel like I have to be a Fairy Godmother tomorrow to make up for their last thoughts before bed being that of a "meanie mom".  What's even worse is I fell into the "I have spent these past two weeks making sure every need of yours has been met and what about me"?  Oh for goodness sake, how immature is that and how silly, my kids don't get it for the simple reason they are kids and all they know is it's my job to keep them happy but I STILL DID IT and now I feel like crap.

So, here's hoping that things fall back into some sort of normality tomorrow with school starting and me being able to have a few hours to stop and just be.

How I wish my kids thought of me tonight...........

How they probably think of me tonight...............


p.s., I have now just had to yell again at GC1 because, get this, she is singing and won't go to sleep.  How do you yell at a child for singing?  It's breaking me apart but I said it's bedtime and it's a school day tomorrow and they have to be quiet!  She even socked one below the belt and said "mummy hates me", man, where do they get this from, it's like being stabbed in the heart!