Saturday 20 July 2013

Had to post this!

Weekends are hardest

I have a sick little girl, I'm sick and eldest boy is raring to go and it's the weekend, we are missing daddy!

Youngest one asked me today if Daddy has been gone for a year, she has no concept of time so that was an arrow to the heart.  Eldest one asked,  nonchalantly, when is daddy getting home to which I answered, next week!  His response, NONE (which to me was a bit of a worry).

So, trying to find the humour in life at the moment (please don't get me wrong, I AM NOT COMPLAINING), with regards to daily living but can't seem to find any!

I did let the kids sleep in my bed last night, hey, it was Friday, thought it would be a nice treat, NOT!  Even my eldest complained about feet in his face from the youngest and how bad he slept, if only he knew what I endured throughout the night, needless to say, I'm going to bed shortly and they are in their own beds tonight!!!!!

I now realize that writing each day in my blog is probably not possible so I will do the best I can but I'm finding more and more that with each day DF1 is away I am finding that 24 hours does not seem long enough in a day to accomplish everything I need to (including sleep).

I need to go because my youngest is currently "not comfy" and her pillows need to be "fluffed" and my eldest is groaning because his sister is complaining, go figure.


p.s., this was me last night with a "5" year old!!!!!