Tuesday 2 July 2013

Day 2

It's just after 9 pm and the kids are in bed however they are not asleep (don't even think about judging me, glass houses remember) and they are jabbering away and you know what, I'm not stopping them because they are not fighting and it's nice for the first time today.

I'm not sure if school holidays is the best time to start a life as a DIDO because I don't think it's a real indication of what to expect, with all the rain and not a lot to do the kids have not been exactly well behaved.  Their routine or lack of it is all over the shop and I only have myself to blame.  Mind you, I'm not going to beat myself up (now that's a rarity) because I'm a newbie and I'm giving myself some "teething" time.

A big shout out to a terrific book I have started to read called Mining Families Rock from the creators of Mining Family Mattres, www.miningfm.com.au it's a complete guide to dealing with this new lifestyle (and NO, I'm not getting paid to mention them).

I'm not sure if this is just a novelty but waking up this morning I realized I slept through the night not only because both children stayed in their beds (a miracle in itself) but because I didn't have to listen to any snoring from my now absent partner, the sound of silence was wonderful but I'm sure will be deafening as the days pass but for now, SCORE!!!

Thank goodness for my network of wonderful friends or as I like to call them my tribal mommas because that's what they are to me at the moment and possibly the only ones reading this blog (thanks ladies).  I had a break for a few hours today, not that I needed it but it was nice to drop off the kids for a play whilst I ran numerous errands that are far to difficult to do with children in tow.  Funny, I call it a break when in actuality I was doing what I had to do to keep my household in check and make sure my list was attended to.  Why is it that moms (or at least me) think that doing anything even chores sans kids is considered a break???

Neither child has shown any obvious signs of disruption with DF1 being away but I have had other children around and have been trying to keep them busy with movies, play centres, play dates and take away, yup, that dreaded prefabricated food that kids seem to love.  Mind you, I have become aware of an interesting development, when you take the "toy" out of the equation and offer them just one or two things on the menu they are not so keen and I managed to drive away paying only $3.00 for several bags of french fries because they were not really interested in the food, well for today at least.

I've taken the bins out put the kids and dog to bed manged to clean up part of the kitchen and am about to pour myself a glass of wine and go and watch some mind numbing television.  I probably should hang up the washing that is in the machine from the load I did this morning but it's far too cold and hey, I can just rewash in the morning and start again it's not like I have to have clothes ready for tomorrow!


p.s., must remember to wash my face before I go to bed, I don't have to worry about it now that DF1 is gone but I might scare the kids a bit, you think?

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