Wednesday 17 July 2013

I'm Back - Day 17

Wow, you know that saying "what a difference a day makes"?  What a difference a weekend away makes, it was soooper!  Knowing that DF1 was leaving at the beginning of the week (he actually left today for two weeks), we cherished every moment, each other and the time we had and we didn't fight or argue once, seriously, I'm not lying!!

I found myself more patient with the kids and him and actually myself, more patient with myself, that was new to me!  I am normally so hard on myself but I can't afford to be in this new lifestyle because it gets you no where.

Ok, here goes some honesty, it's his first day away and guess what the kids are having for dinner?  Fish Fingers and Meat Pies, home made of course, as if!  I find the first day he is away my laziest, kinda like I'm playing hookie or something or being truant for motherhood!  I don't make our bed, well, actually, that's normal, I rarely make it.  I sometimes buy tuck-shop for the kids so I can have that extra few minutes of self indulgence in the morning and I don't walk to school, I take the car, yes, we can walk there in 15 minutes but I have the car and I'm going to use it (we only have one car and he needs it for work).

This is a longer stint of him being away, we are working up to the 19 days (this one is only 12) but you know, I think we are going to be fine, mind you, I did get a disturbing questions from oldest boy child this morning.

See, he is aware that families are all different, no two are exactly the same hence the question, "Mummy, who gets to see their daddy more, ***** or us"?  He is referring to someone who sees their daddy on a fortnightly basis because their parents have separated and realized that this could possibly be more then he sees his Daddy and his Mummy and Daddy are still together"!  It's little things like this that pop up that tear at my heart strings and I'm sure there will be many more and hopefully I will be able to comfort him and deal with it, fingers, arms, legs and toes all crossed.

What I wish it looked like

What it actually looks like when he calls

p.s., not really cranky, just liked the picture, check with me in a week though and it could be appropriate.

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